Thursday, 25 February 2016

Ingredients for success

This video will change your LIFE !

5 Ingredients For Success
    1. PASSION: you have to be genuinely passionate in what you do.
      What motivates me, is to wake up early and choosing what I want to be passionate about. You have to be passionate about your purpose, also you have to have passion in your heart for whatever the end result will always be. Your circumstances are the result of your own CHOICES that you make.
    2. CONSISTENCY , keeping a flow of consistency in the things you plan to do.
      When you are becoming a leader or looking to be a leader in your life, you have to be predictable and transparent as well as being consistent in what you want to achieve.
    3. FOCUS and keep your  determination.
      I was once told that, "What you look at the longest, will become the strongest." You need to pay attention to what your focusing on. As C.E.M likes to quote, "clear eyes bring clear visions" You can decide on what you want to achieve  and focus and how much TIME you are willing to give in order to receive the success your looking for.
    4. PATIENCE  and never giving up is the key to never failing. I find it sad when I hear of other people who have not seen results in the first 3 years and turn away from their business just before it starts to grow.
      1 year- you learn to build, make little money
      3 years - you make serious income, what you put in is what you get out.
    5. WORK ETHIC: This may seem like common sense but when you want to expand your business, you need to be the best you can be at working really hard. You need to create longer hours in a day, build yourself up and get outside of your comfort zone. You need to find what motivates and inspires you, this can help create a fire inside to work hard.
    6.  MINDSET is changing your way of thinking. Your way of thinking got you to were you are today, in order to change your future you need to change your ways of thinking and your habits.


  1. These are some great tips! I am almost done school and will finally be entering the real world of job hunting. I know that it will not be an easy task and that I will be let down sometimes, but I will keep these keys to success in mind to help me get to where I want to be!

  2. Great tips. I will certainly keep these in mind for any future endeavours.

  3. Passion is huge to have in life for anything that you do. It should be apparent in your job, hobbies, family and friends. Great post and great tips!

  4. Love this! Great job, Shylow!

  5. This is all so true! Talent is important, but you won't make it far without passion for what you do. Great tips!

  6. Those are so true for success. I think I need more patience for obstacles and difficulties in my life. Helpful suggestions!

  7. Amazing tips for success.I really need to learn the value of Patience that I have always lacked throughout my life. I hope that with your tips, I'd be able to focus on all the five ingredients!

  8. Thanks for all the motivational tips Shylow. Your blog makes for a very interesting read!

  9. When I first read your title, I was a little confused as to how indigents were related to success. But after I finished reading your post, I have to say, it really makes sense now. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I apologize but indigents is a spelling mistake it was meant to say ingredients

  10. Just like the indigents used for cooking a meal, the indigents used to create your own success are important. Use only the freshest, and most useful indigents around.

  11. I wasn't sure how the video here would relate to indigents for success. I can honestly say that once you watch the full thing, it becomes very clear what they are. An exceptional post that not only inspires, but humbles at the same time.

  12. I think the dude holding on to his back should get some credit for sticking it out too.

  13. I really think it's important to know key elements to become a successful entrepreneur.I really liked reading this post and learn more about it.

  14. I think passion is so important. It's what really drives people for success in 2016. Great tips!

    1. I agree Jon. I can see the passion in your eyes when I do PR projects with you

  15. That's right! Only aim, passion and hard work every day can bring you to your dream! Very inspiring!

  16. Great post with great key points, specially consistency whish is the hardest part for me. thanks for sharing an amazing post

  17. Amazing post, key points for leading the life ahead. It will be useful for future for sure.

  18. Wow! Great insight from such a young businessperson. Thank you, Shylow. Your passion and the video you shared are both inspirational. Plus, the quote is a personal favourite of mine.

  19. Wow! Great insight from such a young businessperson. Thank you, Shylow. Your passion and the video you shared are both inspirational. Plus, the quote is a personal favourite of mine.
