About Me

Hi Shylow here, I constantly strive for success, and always look to improve myself in any way possible especially in a growing industry of MLM. I am the type of person that has that inner burning fire to build a second income for myself, its a PLAN B. I have the desire to to make things work, that burning desire is to become successful, ENTREPRENEURSHIP always has me reaching for the stars. Some of the skills I have are with Microsoft Excel, Word, Access and Photoshop. I have a lot of insight and knowledge to offer with the two years of studies at Niagara College for sales and marketing and current year of public relations

 Some specific skills I obtained:
 • Demonstrated ability to keep calm in any environment, catering to clients and assessing their needs • Establishing healthy relationships
• Efficient in sales and completing all required tasks
• Profound ability to deal with multicultural clients
• Educated in various different types of subjects such as Entrepreneurship, Professional Marketing, Microsoft Excel, Word and Access, Accounting and Business Communications.

 My proficiency in providing everyday living skills and provide wholesale services to clients in various settings that will assist in saving money and building a residual income.


  1. Hi Shylow, Looking forward with interest in what you have to say about becoming an entrepeneur. I recently became an independant contractor, working for two writing companies. I like the freedom of being my own boss and accepting projects based on my schedule. It takes courage to step out of the box. Wishing you much happiness and success.

  2. I think that being an entrepreneur has to do a lot with your personality. I've learned that entrepreneurship is not for me: I'm the kind of person that needs a structure, a clear vision, and rules. I find it really hard to be creative and taking chances.
