Tuesday, 26 January 2016

My first post

Becoming an entrepreneur is creating a system, its a system were you can create what you want!. It is the freedom to make choices, my dream is to have time with money. This blog is my personal insight on effective habits and skills that have helped me build success. You have to give up lots of things you love, to get the things you really want in the future.
Small causes create big results. DREAM BIG

C.E.M is Clear Eyes Marketing, which is a company that focuses on telecom and banking.
This February is my one year anniversary running a home based business,It feels likes just yesterday I was starting out and learning the ins and outs of our company. It was not until I had a true understanding of running a telecom business that their will always be non- believers, and people who became negative, this sometimes made me feel as if I may fail, but I knew that if I kept focused i could achieve anything
The integrity of my business keeps me motivated and inspired, Project feeding Kids focuses on the reality of childhood hunger. It has become an epidemic. Approximately 17 million children in North America, don't know where their next meal is coming from.

With C.E.M, that is not acceptable because when someone becomes a customer and pays their select bills each month, a child gets fed.
Me and Team Clear Eyes Marketing are on a mission to end childhood hunger !!!